$XPH collaborates with $FLOQ to ensure the stability of the economic system.

$XPH, the CogniXphere Token, serves as the governance token within CogniXphere. It's designated for core users and will be utilized in project governance and DAO voting in the future.

Key metrics

  • Token Name: CogniXphere Token

  • Token Symbol: $XPH

  • Token Standard: TBC.

  • Smart Contract: TBC.

  • Audit Report: TBC.


  • Acquire $FLOQ at vending machines;

  • Purchase Axon Cube and Memory Disk;

  • Mint Axon Edge NFT;

  • Staking;

  • Governance;

  • Participate in DAO activities.

How to obtain $XPH

  • Airdrop Event;

  • Farming Event;

  • Public Sales.

Last updated