Data Processing Agreement (DPA) for Cognixphere AI Platform

Last Updated: [20/12/2023]

This Data Processing Agreement ("Agreement") is made between [Cognixphere] ("Data Controller") and the users of the Cognixphere Platform ("Data Subjects"), setting forth the terms for processing personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and similar regulations.

1. Purpose and Scope

This Agreement specifies the terms under which the Cognixphere Platform processes personal data. The data processing activities are confined to what is necessary to provide and enhance the services of the Cognixphere Platform, including AI training and optimization.

2. Data Collection and Use

  • Data Collection: The Cognixphere Platform stores data actively provided by users, including interactions with AI characters and personalized settings.

  • AI Training: User data will be used for training and improving AI models. To protect privacy, data will be anonymized before being used for training purposes.

  • Service Improvement: Data is used to enhance platform performance, including optimizing user interfaces and user experience.

3. Data Storage and Security

  • Data Storage: Personal data is securely stored on servers provided by Convex.

  • Security Measures: Appropriate technical and organizational measures are implemented to protect personal data from unauthorized access and processing.

  • Data Encryption: All personal data is encrypted during transmission and storage.

4. Data Subject Rights

  • Data Subjects have the right to access, rectify, erase, and port their data, and to restrict or object to its processing.

  • Data Subjects can directly contact the Data Controller for any inquiries or requests regarding data processing.

5. Cross-Border Data Transfers

  • Transfers of data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) will be carried out with appropriate safeguards in place, in compliance with GDPR requirements.

  • Data transfers will be conducted with the highest standards of security and encryption.

  1. Data Breach and Violation Handling

  • In the event of a data breach or violation, the Data Controller will promptly notify Data Subjects and relevant supervisory authorities, taking steps to limit any damage.

7. Termination of Agreement and Data Deletion

  • Upon termination of use of the Cognixphere Platform, the handling of personal data will be in accordance with Convex's data processing agreement.

  • Whether to delete or retain user personal data will be determined based on Convex's data retention policy and applicable legal requirements.

  • Data Subjects have the right to request more information about how their personal data is processed and stored.

8. Amendments to the Agreement

This Agreement may be updated in response to changes in legal regulations. Significant modifications will be notified to users through the platform.

9. Contact Information

For any questions about this Agreement, please contact us at

Last updated